Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Party Like It's 19-99... I Mean, 20-08...(As Sung By The Artist Formerly Known As Prince)
I remember, like it was yesterday, when I was sitting around in my office at work just a year ago, thinking about how we were on the brink of a new year again so soon! Time certainly flies a little quicker with every passing year (scary).
As I was contemplating the speed at which the year 2007 passed, one of my employees said to me something very prophetic. After talking to her about plans, goals, dreams, and prayers I had for the year 2008, she spoke words I would never forget:
"Jenny, the year 2007 was a year of completion and the year 2008, is a year of new beginnings"
The number 8, apparently, signifies new beginnings in the Bible. As soon as she said it, I believed it to be fully true for me. Mostly because I knew that the year 2007 had been a year of completion for me (I will save that for another blog).
I had no idea the truth behind those words, but I took them with much faith.
I sort of forgot about them until about May/June, when I was looking back on the first third of the year 2008. A lot had begun afresh for me. I had quit my job as the director of the daycare. I had moved to Baltimore. I had begun going to Grace. I had made some new friends. I had a new job as a nanny in Federal Hill (paying me a lot more than I was making as a director in a day care, nonetheless). I had ended some very destructive relationships and repaired some broken ones. I had finally found an apartment, but not just any apartment. One that was a lot less expensive than I had been planning on. I had a roommate who loved Jesus, I also was not fully expecting that to happen (I assumed I would just have to room with some random Towson college girl...I am shuttering at the thought).
As I looked back, I thought about how good God is to not only meet my needs, but blow my mind with surpassing my desires. And he continues to do that today!
Looking back on the rest of the year since June, I have started going to a small group through Grace that I love. Have met some very cool people indeed. I have met a man that I can only describe as the perfect complement to the missing puzzle piece in my life. And friends, this is such a new beginning!
So, yes. Finally. The year is over and we are on the brink of another. I have no clue what the number 9 signifies in God's Word (I will have to ask my friend and get back to you). But, I do know this, I have been truely blessed with one of the most interesting, joyfully rich and painfully hardest years of my entire life.
Friday, December 26, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 1
Singing Silent Night at the Christmas Eve Service.
Growing up I always looked forward to the Christmas Eve Service, mostly because it was something I had to get through in order to get my presents the next day. However, I also loved the fact that they would let me play with fire!
Walking into the church, kids and adults alike were handed candles and paper circles to put them through to "catch the wax". Or if you were like me, it became a game of seeing how much wax they could hold.
Yes, the song was beautiful as we passed the flame from candle to candle in the dark sanctuary, but also it was a moment of pure joy for the reasons stated above.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 2
Number 2.
Snow on Christmas Day.
In my lifetime, I can really only recall a handful of times it has actually snowed on Christmas Day. There is something extra special about the snow coming down on this day. Maybe it's because I am already stuck inside with family and friends and there's nothing to do but be with them. The added snow just makes it seem colder and more wonderful to be lazy and warm inside the house.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Walking In A Winter Wonderland

First of all, I was able to have a some what relaxing Friday evening. I will forget to mention that it took me 30-45 minutes to decide how to wrap one of Dan's gifts. I didn't want him to know what it was before he opened it, so I had to get creative (I had no boxes or bags, just wrapping paper). Anywho, it was a great night though. Sometimes you just need to be at home on a Friday. Even with all the Christmas parties and gatherings, I had to just say "no" to it all, for my sanity (and yours :)) I kept thinking in my head how it's hard for me to say "no" to people. I hate doing it, but sometimes you have to...I NEED BOUNDARIES HERE PEOPLE!!!!
Saturday was probably one of the best days with Dan yet. We had decided to do our Christmas together on that day, as he is heading home to Wisconsin for Christmas.
Our plan was to go to DC and visit some of the museums. The American History Museum (or the National Museum of American History) had re-opened and he has been wanting to see it and I haven't been to DC in ages. So, off we went. After finding some parking, we headed to the American History Museum.
Side note: On our walk there, we met up with a squirrel that Dan proceeded to "speak to". Never in all my days have I seen a squirrel respond to a grown man in such a way! He called himself the "Squirrel Whisperer" and that he is, as I will share a little later on.
The museum was lovely. Lots of parts I had remembered from going in previous years, but there was some new exhibits as well. One of the highlights for me was seeing the Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz. I had grown up wanting a pair. Actually, the pair. Not only that, but my dad got sent to Kansas on business when I was six or so, and I figured "Hey dad, could you bring me the Ruby Slippers back?".
Much to my dismay, he did not succeed. Sigh.
So, seeing them in front of me was absolutely amazing.
Some other highlights were the First Ladies' gowns and jewelry. There is just such amazing history to explore. I know our country isn't all that old, but it's just priceless to see items worn or made by people who came before us, and famous people at that!
After that, we decided to get some lunch, and seeing as the ridiculousness of the pricing in the cafe at the museum, we attempted the food court in the Old Post Office. It was alright.
Then we went on over to the National Museum of Natural History. This was probably the most incredible experience of the day. As we walked through the exhibits, I was simply amazed at how meticulous God is. I am serious. From the tiniest of bugs, to the beautiful crystals, to the gigantic bones of the dinousaurs, to the amazing depth of the ocean, to the history of our nation, there is so much life! And this world is teeming with creativity and detail, as well as brillant colors. And even in the simpliest of creatures, there is so much depth and forethought. How good God is to think of these types of creatures. It's such a wonder.
We walked on over to the photgraphy exhibit. And that was crazy amazing. First of all, the detail and the quality of the pictures was out of control! That was only second to the actual life that those pictures captured. And those photos could only capture the life that God Himself created.
I just wish I had more words for you to describe what we saw. We even sat there watching this video that was just a series of pictures of wildlife and such and thought how people could see this world and believe it all happened by chance!
The whole time I was there, I was thinking about how everything just glorified God!
After all this, we were pretty exhausted. So, we headed back. Our plan was to go to dinner at the Outback in Canton, mostly because I left my cell phone at Evie's house so we had to go that direction to pick it up anyways. On our walk back to the car, we see another squirrel and Dan decides to converse with this one as well...and then proceed to feed it. He had a bit of his overpriced cookie left over from lunch. He fed the animal once and then it kept coming closer and sitting up on it's hind legs until it decided Dan was taking too long to feed it again and takes a flying leap at him! Yes blogging friends, my boyfriend was attacked by a DC squirrel! We were in hysterical laughter for a good ten minutes about it too. Such humor!
So, we finally make it to dinner and it was so sweet. After a long day in and out of the cold and walking around, it was good to sit and take it all in and enjoy the company of each other as well as the food.
Then we headed back to his house to exchange gifts which was fun. We watched Top Chef, one of our weekly dates and then watched the Ravens win against the ruddy Cowboys!!
I ask you friends, could the day have gotten any better?
Here's the thing. The whole day was such a great time for Dan and I to connect, but even better was that I actually felt the presence of God with us. From everything our eyes took in that day that stimulated the senses and created a feast for the eyes, to the laughter we shared about that stupid squirrel, to the amazing food we inhaled at dinner, to the sweet ending of the day with our favorite show, to the fellowship we shared, to the beautifully cold winter day, to the unexpected Ravens' victory, God blessed it all.
Below is a funny commercial I found that sort of gives you an idea of what happened to Dan vs. The Squirrel, except this video still doesn't do it justice. It's much funnier in person. But, enjoy anyways. Hehehe.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 3
Christmas Eve night.
I love the anticipation. The cozy PJ's. The family in town. The Christmas movies on TV. The knowledge that there is nothing to do the next day!
25 Days of Christmas: Number 4
Last minute shoppers.
This is really not so much something I enjoy about the holidays as so much it is that I find humorous. Why do men wait until the last minute? You wait and everything is gone off the shelves. You have to fight through more people than if you had gone weeks before. And, the prices are not really all that much better.
I worked at Bath and Body Works through the Christmas season (twice actually, I will save that story for another blog) and you would not believe the numbe ro fmen that would fly through around December 22-24 and ask what we had as far as gift baskets (the bigger the better). They would normally take my first suggestion. Done and done.
Wow dude. Such forethought! Such insight into your wife! She has found herself a gem!
25 Days of Christmas: Number 5
How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
A holiday classic for all to enjoy. How can you not learn to love the unlovable Grinch, when his heart grows three sizes in one day?
25 Days of Christmas: Number 6
Number 6.
I look forward to Christmas Day. I look forward to family and friends, and even a few nice dinners with people, some presents, and cookie exchanges. But what I secretly long for every year? A string of days off with nothing planned really and nothing to do.
I remember the days of college, when I would finish my last exam with the "I'm so tired, my eyes are glazing over and my brain hurts from all the thinking" type of feelings and take the long journey home with the full expectation of sleeping off the exam stupor.
I would march into the house and instruct my mother..."Do not wake me. I am sleeping until I get up. I will not wake up for any phone calls, random questions, unexpected guests and the like!! Good night and good day!"
Much to my chagrin, my mother would inevitably slip into my oh so quiet and dark room at 6:45 in the morning and whisper sweetly into my ear..."what are you going to want for dinner?"
Couple things here:
Really mom? So early?
Second, how do I know what I want for dinner when it's not even breakfast?
Third, really mom?
Anywho, point being, one of the best parts of the 25 Days of Christmas is having that long stretch of days to sleep.
Amen? Amen. And goodnight.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Now Time For Deep Thoughts By Jenny Baldwin
I have also come to find that since I have lacked time to blog uselessly (I blame no one but myself), the thoughts in my head have just been increasingly building and it's as if I am about to explode if I do not release the "beast" so to speak.
Basically, this blog has become quite a compulsion (am I ok with this? I don't really know. Are you ok with this? I hope so.) of sorts. A need. Like, if i don't blog uselessly, then the thoughts continue to swarm around in my head until I do! Ok, before you check me into some sort of mental hospital for my weirdness, you have to admit...you enjoy the useless ramblings of a "self proclaimed hyper hypo". So, here are some thoughts of randomness that have just been needing to get out for the last few weeks that I would have blogged on if time was not an issue, so here they are in no particular order:
Some of my new favorite sites include:
the Urban Dictionary (urbandictionary.com)
To Write Love on Her Arms (twloha.com)
My new favorite singer is Ingrid Michaelson. I have liked her for a while, but have recently listened to all her albums and can't seem to stop. I am actually listening to albums all the way through on my ipod! Dan would be so proud! Normally, I bounce around from artist to artist, while he listens to a complete album before moving on to the next.
I have decided I need to always write down my plans or I will either forget them or double book myself. Actually, I am good at writing things down, it's just making sure I check the calendar before saying yes or no to plans. Learning this the hard way...sorry Dan, sorry girls.
Here is a picture of me and Dan for those of you who keep asking...(I am wearing an ugly Christmas sweater for our Ugly Christmas Sweater Party at church. I swear!!!)

I have eaten my weight in chocolate this month. I will be in need of a cleansing soon.
I started watching some neighbor's kids across the street on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Evie and I go over there in the morning and stay until 1:00. I have never in all my days been more embarrassed every single time I leave this woman's house. Here is a list of the embarrassing moments thus far:
-had to call Emily to tell her I was puking in her kitchen sink and needed a reprieve
-Emily told me to just walk in when Evie and I come over, since she is normally getting ready in her room for work. This morning, I did just that, and happened upon her husband (normally he is already at work) half naked in the living room brushing his teeth :(
-clogged her toliet after she specifically told me that the downstairs toliet will clog at even the littlest bit of tissue...but that's not what got clogged :( after much plunging...I still couldn't get it to all go down and had to leave it for her husband...
double :( :(
-gave her newborn baby Tylenol when she was teething, only to find out Emily had already given it to her and forgot to tell me she had...so not so much my fault, but still...I DRUGGED HER BABY! (she was fine, just a liiiiiiiiiiitle groggy)
I caught Evie and her friend Connor sneaking a snack the other day. After I had specifically told them they could not have one (lunch was just around the corner). I caught them hiding behind the kitchen table with a bowl and a bag of goldfish, just as happy as clams snacking away. First off, they were so cute about it. Second, so quiet. And third, so clean! The bowl guys, really? They had to sneak up onto the counter to get the bowl and the goldfish, so they went to great lengths to make sure I didn't get angry about the mess AND their out of control snacking. I would have snapped a photo if I had the time.
I have been asked to explain the "Self-Proclaimed Hyper Hypo". Basically, if you know me... then hyper doesn't really begin to cover my extensive excitement and zest for life and all things random and silly. The "hypo" is just the word hypochondriac, shortened. Ahhh, something you may not have known about me?? Yes, I have a fear that I am dying of all sorts of crazy diseases. While not clinically diagnosed as such, I have been told that from friends and family since the womb. My neurosis more than likely stems from my brother's hypochondria, as I am told he basically raised me (by the time I came along, my mom had enough of the childrearing). While you will probably just see me researching various diseases on webmd.com, Timmy actually has medical books in his home that he resources when he has a slight fever or rash. I may or may not have gotten better over the years about this. One thing I know is this, I aced my Pathophysiology course (the study of diseases) because of all the research I have done on myself and my various issues!!
Ok, friends. Talk to you never again, now that you know I am legitimately odd. It's been nice blogging with you.. But, if you decided to stick around, I have been doing a lot of catching up on my blogging...so continue to read on. I have added about three more blogs today.
Starbucks Church.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 7
First things first...I can't believe it's Christmas Day in ONE week. Are you ready? Ready for the gifts? Ready for the family (eek)? Ready for Jesus' birth? Good.
I think I am.
Mistletoe. What a wonderous, mysterious tradition we have found in mistletoe. I don't quite understand the story behind it. Let's just discuss what it actually is:
Mistletoe is a poisonous plant that causes acute gatrointestinal problems including stomach pain, and diarrhea along with low pulse
Regardless, I think it's a fun and exciting tradition.
Here's why we kiss under this poisonous plant...
According to a custom of Christmas cheer, any two people who meet under a hanging of mistletoe are obliged to kiss. The custom is Scandinavian in origin.[12] It was the plant of peace in Scandinavian antiquity. If enemies met by chance beneath it in a forest, they laid down their arms and maintained a truce until the next day." This ancient Scandinavian custom led to the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.
* I found this information at http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistletoe
25 Days of Christmas: Number 8
Christmas chachki.
The Urban Dictionary defines chachki as the following (number 2 is my favorite):
1. chachki
Trinket, useless sentimental stuff filling up your book cases and counter space, miscellaneous items collected and set out to enhance your decor, stuff you should probably box up or sell in a garage sale, things kids take when their parents pass away because it reminds them of good times past.
2. chachki
Some type of knick-knack, but usually a piece of crap; usually a small piece of junk.
I just like saying the word "chachki". It's a fun word I picked up from my sister-in-law. No, she is not uncool, she is tres cool actually. She super urban as well. Lol. She just used that word a lot when I was growing up, so I have since used it a lot as well. But, I digress.
I love little Christmas knick-knacks. The tackier the better. Ok, maybe that's not entirely true, but I have since learned to appreciate having a little Christmas craziness spewed throughout the house. When you fill your house with Christmas stuff, you can't help but smile at the difference the added Christmas chachki adds to your home. Such warmth, such love.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 9
The Real Meaning of Christmas.
Saw this video this morning and thought it was cool and had an amazing message attatched. Think about it:
Monday, December 15, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 10
Baking a birthday cake for Jesus.
I started doing this with my little friends at the day care I worked at a few years ago. I enjoyed making a big deal about the fact that we are celebrating Jesus' birthday. I know I am not the first to do this, but it felt special and different to come from that angle with the kids I had in my class. It was exciting to make a big deal about the fact that we were just having a big birthday party, instead of making it about us, it was now focused on Jesus.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 11
Singing Christmas Carols in Church.
I love that at Christmas time, we get a whole new set of worship songs to sing. I suppose they are not new or anything, but they have not been sung in a year or so (unless you are like me and every once in while just listen to one or two throughout the year). I love that they are just as special and even more lovely as we approach Christmas.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 12
Chirstmas lights.
I love white Christmas lights. I do. I like having them on inside the house, with no other light for illumination. I pretty much abhore bright lights of any type. I thank Timmy and Sarah for that weirdness. Anything over 25 watts is too much for me in the evening. Anywho, Christmas lights provide the perfect amount of light. And they are so pretty. I used to dislike the colored ones, thinking that they were totally uncool, but I have since changed my mind. It's really not too bad having cool old fashioned lights to illuminate the indoors or outdoors. I almost want to keep them up year round. I used to do that in college, but since I have been out, I have grown up and realized they are called Christmas lights for a reason.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 13
Number 13.
"Buddy the Elf, what's your favoite color?"
"We can make snow angels and then we can cuddle."
"I love smiling, smiling's my favorite."
These are just a few of the many quotes that this fun Christmas movie has to offer. And, I dare say that by the time I marry, birth children, and they get all grown-up, this movie will be a classic. One in which they will recall with much delight as they discuss it with their childhood friends, how much they enjoyed watching this "classic". Enjoy this little snack:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 14
O Holy Night.
I was in my car this morning driving to work and I was listening to "O Holy Night" on my ipod. It was the version sung by Avril Lavigne and Chantal Kreviazuk. It's actually a beautiful version of this song.
This is my favorite Christmas Carol. Absolute favorite. But this morning I was really listening to the lyrics and thinking about them and I just started crying. When I actually went through it line by line, I was just so in awe of God and the simplicity of the gospel. So, I thought I would share the insight I got this morning.
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,
The star that pointed the Wisemen towards the birthplace of Jesus. It shown clear and bright that night. And Jesus, He still shines like that star. Pointing people towards Him. Yes, the cliche is true. Wisemen still do seek Him.
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.
It is Jesus' birth we celebrate. A Savior came. To seek and save what was lost. He came as a baby. So, why has it become about me and what I want?
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Yes, the world needed a Savior. Yes, I need a Savior. I need someone to come and save me everyday from my own wretchedness. I am quite literally pining for someone to rescue me. Just like this world still aches for Someone to come and whisk it away from the pits it has dug.
'Til He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
He appeared and now I have been rescued from my sin. The sin that entangles me. For the first time, I have a purpose. I know that I am loved. He has placed a value on me because He created me and then came to save me and give me worth. To finally live my life for a reason and not just for me.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
On that day, there was a new hope! He is finally here! And, on the day that I finally accepted Him into my heart, there was a thrill of hope. Finally. Finally, I had been rescued. Finally, I could start hoping for a new future. Finally, I could rest assuredly that I was loved. His mercies are made new every morning. Praise God that I don't have to go back to my old ways. Praise God that there is always hope!
Fall on your knees! O, hear the angels' voices!
Repentance. In a nutshell. What is my natural response for when I finally can see the Truth? When I wipe away all the tears of frustration? Wipe away the sin? Wipe away myself? The only thing to do is to fall on my knees in prayer. In repentance and rest is my salvation. And hear the angel's voices glorifying Jesus. Singing songs of joy! Just like we do when we finally get it.
O night divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night divine, O night, O night Divine.
It was a divine night indeed. It was set apart. For the Savior had finally entered the world. He was here, the one that had been the desire of the nations. The one that prophets foretold of His coming.
Truly He taught us to love one another;
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:37-40
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
His gospel is peace. Peace. Oh, the simplicity of it all. He is peace. Peace with each other. Peace within oursleves. Peace in our circumstances. Peace in Him.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
He came to bind up the broken hearted. To release prisoners. To set the captive free. Yes, he came to restore us to a right relationship with Him. And yes, we should look at others as our brother or sister. But He came to preach this good news that there is freedom from the chains of addiction and sin.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.
They are so sweet to sing. To worship God for all He has done. We worship Him for who He is, but we remember His gospel, His peace, His freedom, His love.
Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
Forever. And ever. His glory will reign. He is the King. Praise God that He is Sovreign over it all. And for that reason, we have peace. We proclaim this King and His gospel because our souls have finally found worth.
It's the gospel message in the form of a Christmas song. It's the most beautiful message ever. Think about it. I hope it penetrates your heart this year.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 15
I love to give gifts. Normally, the more unexpected the gift is, the more I enjoy it. Sure, I love that my brother-in-law gives me a list of things he wants this year for Christmas after he finds out I pulled his name. I enjoy knowing what people want and then being able to give them well...exactly what they want.
But, I would MUCH rather give you a gift on a random day. When you are least expecting it. When there is no obligation for you to give back. When it is a normal day and there is no expectation for me to give. I love to give.
Giving is good. Always. And, I do love to give on Christmas. I do. It's fun and special. But, hear's a thought...why not give year round?
25 Days of Christmas: Number 16
Number 16.
I love Starbucks on a normal day, I do. Even with it's ridiculous prices. I sometimes go out of my way to hit one up. Except, since living in Baltimore, it's hard to "go out of my way to hit one up" because there is one literally every few miles.
I love that Starbucks comes alive around Christmas. The decorations go up, the merchandise changes, the drinks become Christmas themed, and even the cups are decked out in yuletide joy. Love it. Love it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm a Little Lad Who Loves Berries and Creeeeeam...
1) It's hilarious.
2) I want you to enjoy it as well.
3) I always have my reasons.
Monday, December 8, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 17
After Christmas Sales. Especially, Crate and Barrel.
I don't like to wake up early for much. Work is about it. Possibly if I have a long drive ahead of me.
But what I will get up early for is the After Christmas Sale at Crate and Barrel. It's so worth it. Quite literally, everything in the store is half off. It's great. And, usually I am blessed with a gift card on Christmas Day.
I can go and spend money I don't have on things I don't need, that will more than likely sit in a box until next Christmas! But I don't really care because it's one of the main events of the Christmas season for me.
25 Days of Christmas: Number 18
Chevy Chases' Christmas Vacation.
Ok, so it's not the Christmas season unless I watch Chevy Chases' Christmas Vacation.
It's just so hilarious.
Cousin Eddie.
The Crazy Grandparents.
The cat wrapped into the box.
Squirrel in the tree.
The lights that don't seem to work.
Aunt Bethany's lack of hearing.
The sled scene.
I mean it's absolutely ridiculous to think all this stuff could happen to this poor family, but it makes for great comedy. And, my family has been watching it for years. I distinctly remember my father laughing sooooo hard at one of the scenes, that we actually had to turn the movie off until he could finally contain himself.
Love it. Love it.
Enjoy the trailer...
25 Days of Christmas: Number 19
The "Peppermint Song".
One year, Tori and I always seemed to be in the car when we heard these lyrics:
"so leave a peppermint stick
for Old St. Nick
hanging on the Christmas tree
it's the holiday season
and whooped-de-do
and hickory dock
and don't forget
to hang up your sock
cause just exactly
at twelve o'clock
he'll be coming down
the chimney down"
My apologies for not knowing the actual title of the aforementioned song. We just always seemed to hear it. Literally, every stinkin' time. So, we sort of adopted it as our own little Christmas song. Every time I hear it now, I think of her and that specific time in our friendship.
Tori, what a sweet time that was. A real bonding experience for us I should say. You see friends, we were the ones heading up the planning for a huge party for our brothers. Every year we would do an appreciation for the guys in the fall/winter and then they would do one for us in the spring. Tori and I decided to tackle the project because the one the girls did the year before was pretty heinous. We wanted to make sure the guys in our group knew they were loved and appreciated, so as we spent countless hours out purchasing things for the night...our song would play!
Love you Tori!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 20
Lottery Tickets.
Every year on Christmas Eve, my mom's mom (Grandma "Pud" as we liked to call her) would purchase a loooooooot of Christmas lottery tickets. She was a reagular Bingo player and would often hit up the local store for lottery tickets throughout the year. If we happened to be with her, she would buy a few for us.
Some grandparents spoil their grandchildren with sweets, others with toys.
Grandma Pud? No, she would hand us her credit card, drop us off at the mall, and tell us to
"buy yourselves something nice".
We would come home with bags of fun stuff. Gobs of clothes and the like (Yes, way to go Grandma for teaching us such healthy spending habits).
She would also tell us to "hide the bags so Grandpa didn't see".
My Grandfather, a local retired sailor and postman, would always be found on his Lazy Boy watching the ball game.
Unbeknownst to him that his grandchildren were frolicking around with his wife's credit cards, would hand us a $5 dollar bill and tell us the same thing before we hit the mall..."buy yourselves something nice" he would say. Lol.
But, I digress.
So, yes. My Grandma was also the type to give us scratch off tickets every Chrismas Eve.
After she died, my mother took on the tradition. It's a fun one that has been passed on to us. Even my brother-in-law and sister-in-law get excited for some lottery action!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 21

The 25 Days of Christmas.
Did she just make a typo? Nope. I most certainly did not. One of my favorite parts of this holiday season is ABC Family's "25 Days of Christmas". Every night from December 1-December 25, they feature a Christmas movie. Sometimes it's an old one like Home Alone, The Grinch, The Santa Claus, or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Sometimes it's an old made for TV movie about some cute love story between a single mom who meets one of Santa's elves and falls in love ( I realize the cheese factor in such movies, but they make for delightful, light hearted entertainment).
And, sometimes it's a new made for TV movie about some tree vendor who has nothing to offer the woman he is falling in love with for Christmas except his heart, but she can't accept his lack of wealth, and then there is some sort of conflict between the two, but then she comes to her senses and realizes that she has missed out on the Christmas spirit, and they meet under the snowcapped trees in the end and kiss when they finally realize they were meant for each other.
Ok, I guess I have seen one too many of these B-rated films, but whatever. The point, my dear blogging friends, is that nothing brings in the Christmas Cheer than by curling up and watching a fun Christmas movie.
Hide and Seek
I happened to be in a good mood when I walked into Evie's house this morning. Not that I am normally not or anything, but I was in an unusually great mood this morning. Maybe it was the caffine? Maybe the amazing time with God this morning? Maybe a combo? Maybe I am 100% back to my healthy self? Who knows. What I do know is that Evie and I were playing a quick game of hide and seek. It was not a normal game though.
As she stood right in front of me, I would simply cover my eyes and inquire:
"Where is Evie?"
She, seeing that my eyes were covered, would run away from me down the hall a little bit and then run back as I continued to ask where she was. When I knew she was close, I would uncover my eyes and shriek with delight and say, "I found her! She's right here!! I thought I lost her!!" I would give her a hug or two, some kisses and then she would say "Evie" which in her language means..."do it again Jenny".
We did this a few times, until I got tired of playing the game.
And then it hit me.
This is just like how God is with me.
When I cover my eyes, I know exactly where Evie is. Be it her clunky shoes hitting the hard wood or the fact that she giggles the whole way away from me, I just know where she is. Even if God "covers" his eyes, He knows where we are at all times. There is no hiding from him. And just like Evie, I run away from him, maybe even giggling with delight over the sin I am running towards. Over and over and over again. Until I remember that it is so good to be found by Him and I run back in absolute delight, giggling now because I am running towards Him knowing He will be happy with my return.
And God, in His mercy, uncovers His eyes and shrieks with delight "There you are!!" and embraces me in absolute adoration.
It doesn't matter how many times I run away. He knows where I am.
It doesn't matter how many times I return. He is delighted everytime I choose to come back to His arms.
And unlike me, God doesn't get tired of the Hide and Seek Game.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 22

I Don't Even Know What To Title This Craziness...
On a day like Monday, it was literally bumper to bumper traffic the moment I got on 83. I have noticed that this phenomenon occurs about once every two weeks on average. It is usually due to some small fender bender...but on Monday what was the issue?
The fender bender was on the OTHER side of the median friends. Yes, traffic on my side of the Jones Fall Expressway was not merging into one lane, or having to go around police cars or flares. Nope. We were all just a bunch of nosey people wanting to see the action on the other side of the road.
Side Note: I will always maintain that if you are not going to get out to help, say a quick prayer, or call 911 then what is the point??? Really. Why my sweet Lord in Heaven, why do we have to rubber neck? There's just NO NEED!
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly until my commute home. I had foolishly decided to drink not one, but two large glasses of water and then top it all off with a diet soda. Good idea, JB?
I was stuck in so much traffic that evening. I was almost in tears as I watched us move at a snail's pace. Much like the morning commute, my last few miles on 695 are pretty fast moving on a normal evening. But on this particular night. It literally took me 20 minutes to go about a mile. I am not kidding.
So, here I was. In tears. Clamping. Wiggling. Tempted to pee in the empty Dunkin Donuts cup. Wanting to just take any exit, but 695 was such a parking lot, it would have taken me just as long to scoot off on another exit, especially since there is only one or so before my exit as soon as I merge onto it.
Oh friends. It was awful.
Literally, I parked when I got home, ran upstairs to my apartment and screamed as I passed my roommate on the couch (whom I have not seen in days due to the Thanksgiving holiday)
Believe me, she's used to my silly tactics.
Ok, fast forward to Tuesday morning. Praying that the commute would be easier, I was excited that we were moving quickly, even around the Northern Parkway madness.
But then we get to Lombard Street. My right hand turn into the city. But on Tuesday, there was a police barracade blocking the way. Immediately, I am thinking:
1) Uhhh, I don't know any other way to turn into the city (I'm like a trained seal. A one-trick pony. A creature of habit, so to speak. Teach me to do it one way and that's pretty much how I will do it every time). So, ummm what now?
2) Everyone else is going to have the same idea (do a U-turn so that we can turn into the city on Fayette Street instead)
And friends. That's exactly what we did. Between the lights that last literally 10 seconds and everyone merging into the one and only turn lane, I am not telling a falsehood when I say I inched my way into the city! And, by the time I was approaching Light Street, I am passing Lombard from the other direction and it is now open to traffic.
So, I call my employer to let her know I will be late. I hate being late for anything, especially when I give myself time to get somewhere on time . Plus, I was going to be watching the neighbor's kids too. So, that means I had to call her and disappoint her for my lack of respect on her time. I cringe at the thought. Anywho, I forgot to mention the stomach flu...
Monday night I was finishing dinner and took the last bite and I felt this immediate rush of grossness. Cramping. Nausea. Hot flashes. Oh no.
I went to bed, hoping to sleep it off. No such luck. I tossed and turned all night. And everytime I woke up, the cramping was still there. Not good for JB.
So then I go to wake up. Not only did I pass on my usual 3 M and M's I eat every morning before work, but I didn't even want the chocolate in the advent calendar. I get up and the room is spinning. I am literally dripping in sweat. I am green as all get out. I am feeling like I am going to get sick all over myself. So, like any other moron, I get dressed and head to work.
I get to the house with three screaming children. Running, laughing, playing. I can barely move. I am sitting through these waves of nausea. I am cramping on and off. I am trying to not move. Hard to do with two toddlers and a baby. I am hoping that it will all just soon pass.
Then lunchtime hits and a hot flash the kind I have only heard about from my mother hits me. I am going to be sick. Room spins. I strip down to my t-shirt. Glands are producing way too much saliva. And Evie has decided she wants applesauce.
So, here I am bending over the kitchen sink (No time to hit the bathroom it came on that quick) and I am hearing her behind me:
Connor is jumping off the furniture in the living room. And thankfully the baby is sleeping peacefully in her crib.
But Really? Seriously?
Well, needless to say I got ahold of all the parentals. And left for the day to go home and sleep it off. And may I say my commute at 1:00 PM was absolutely delightful!
Monday, December 1, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Number 23
Holiday Jib Jabs.
I could make a Jib Jab sendable card for every holiday, including the minor holidays such as Arbor Day, Flag Day, and National Talk Like A Pirate Day. I love Jib Jabs. I first found out about them from my brother Timmy, he made one and sent it to me last year around the Christmas season. What's a Jib Jab, you ask? Only the best kind of sendable e-card around. You can cut and paste your own head and the heads of all your distant cousins into a fun little 30 second montage. It's fabulous! And nothing screams the Christmas spirit like a Jib Jab Christmas card. Check them out at jibjab.com Please enjoy the one below:

25 Days of Christmas: Number 24
My Christmas Advent Calendar.
My family and I used to live in Germany because my dad was stationed there for three years with the Army. When we lived there my mom bought us a chocolate advent calendar to count down the days till Christmas. Every day I would get so excited to open up a little window and pull out the piece of German Chocolate nestled in it's little hole. I always tried to guess what it was going to be. You see, each chocolate took on a different Christmas theme. There were candles and presents, dolls and snowflakes, stars and trains. I loved, loved, loved it. I had to share it with my siblings though, so I would only get to open it every third day. My mom wised up after a year or so and bought us each our own calendar.
As I got older, my mom stopped buying the calendars for Timmy and Heather, but I wouldn't let her stop with me. Even in college through today. One year she bought one for my nephew Jacob and not for me! Don't you know she got quite the display of tears.
Side Note: You can find these calendars everywhere, but normally you find the inauthentic "Americanized" version of the European variety. Don't buy it. It's not the same...ever.
You may have to search for it, but it's worth the effort to find the original German Chocolate Advent Calendar.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
It's All Over
I think some of the highlights include shopping and movie watching and general merriment of the season. There was some touch football action (guys vs. girls...yeah we had no hope for victory), and card games. Wizard is our family favorite. We enjoy a little witty banter while we throw down some cards. There was some hide and seek, football/parade watching, and air hockey.
This year, my brother-in-law Michael, decided to start the First Annual Turkey Trot with the family. We ran/walked around the neighborhood lake. Leave it to Michael to create a ridiculous event like this that will actually more than likely become a family tradition.
Our Christmas movie of choice this year was How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Heather's kids have never seen it. It was enjoyable, I personally have seen it no less than 25 times, much to the chagrin of everyone else because I can quote the whole comedy.
I got to show Dan some of the craziness of my family as well as the posh West End of Richmond. We did a little shopping with the rest of the world on Black Friday.
There was so much food. So much food. More food than my poor little body is used to devouring. So, I think it went into shock around 8:00Am on Thursday and is just now feeling normal (it is currently Sunday at 4:00PM).
I will close with two things my nephews said this weekend that will live in Baldwin family infamy.
Nathan, age 3 was sitting at dinner on Wednesday and between all the screaming and general noise-making that occurs with four kids in the room, he goes:
"What is everyone's highs and lows?"
Haha. Are we at Bible Study? It was super cute.
And then, a Jacob-ism...
We were playing hide and seek and after he found me hiding in the closet, he pauses and says to me:
"Aunt Jenny, I am thankful I am not locked in a closet this year for Thanksgiving."
Haha. Ok, hope you all had an amazing, filling, fun, exciting, restful, memory filled Thanksgiving! And I hope none of you were locked in a closet either.
25 Days of Christmas
Number 25.
Pee-Wee's Christmas Special.
You used to see this played on TV every year, but I suppose there is a lack of Pee-Wee Herman lovers out there anymore. Good thing my brother owns the movie. And also subsequently lost said movie. So, good thing you can You Tube the delightful Christmas Special. Timmy and I grew up watching this show (Heather was a little less thrilled by the humor). And while I am pretty sure our parents did not want us watching this show, Timmy always found a way to watch it when they weren't around..and I with him. So, here is a clip from the opening montage of the movie. Come on, you know you wanna watch.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Jenny's Top Ten Things To Be Thankful For:
Number 10. Target- The one stop shop. Well, usually. I can find anything at Target. Gifts. Clothes. Jewlrey. Food. Tolietries. Purses. Shoes. Home Decor. Car supplies. Storage. M and M's. You name it, I can find it. I love Target. And, I am thankful for it. It makes me happy to shop there. You might be thinking why is she thankful for a store? I just am. It's more than a store to me, it's an experience. And recently, I have been able to experience it with Dan which just adds to the joy. I think I also love that with the changing seasons, I can find all sorts of fun, unnecessary knick-knacks for the upcoming holiday season.
Number 9. Books. I love books. All types. Everything from books on my relationship with God, to children's literature. And, everything in between as I am a huge Twlight fan. Books create a great escape. Also, I have an incredible imagination for an adult. So, reading tends to feed that insatiable desire within me to go to far off lands and meet new and interesting people and creatures (like house elves), as I am also a huge Harry Potter fan.
Number 8. The internet. I got a lap top for Christmas last year and since then many have joked that it is an added appendage of mine. I second that. I realize my addiction is to an unhealthy degree. I don't think this became apparent until I dropped my lap top and the Geek Squad had her in their care for three weeks. Anywho, I love the internet. I love that I have access to people and information 24 hours a day. And, if I were to make a sub list of things I am thankful for it would be:
My blog
Hulu (online free tv)
Jibjabs (making e cards and sendables with people's faces cut out)
Yes, many of the ways I connect with people is online. I realize it's artifical at best and you can't fully engage in conversation with someone online (nonverbal cues are so essential), I think it's a great way to connect with people you may lose contact with because of distance. I am horrible at maintaining long distance relationships on average, so I enjoy it. Plus, talk about escape!!
Number 7. My Job- I may complain most days about how I have no time to myself. I may even tell you how annoying it is to hear Evie whine all day long. I may even get so frustrated with the fact that I clean up the same toys about 5 times a day, wipe her nose about 3 times as much, and get really bored being alone with a toddler all day long. What you will normally not hear is how thankful I am to have a job like this. It's actually kinda nice. I can go and do as I please (her car seat takes up permanent residence in my car) including getting my groceries, doing my laundry, running to Target, and going out to lunch with friends. Also, I get about a 3 hour break each day while Evie naps to do my Quiet Time or catch up on episodes of 30 Rock and The Office, nap (and God only knows how enjoyable it is to get paid to sleep), blog, and make various phone calls. All in all, I have a really great job and I am thankful that not only am I building into the life of a small child for God (and more recently into the lives of the neighbors' kids as my services are now well known, plus it's like a second job without putting out more hours), but I also get practical application for when I have my own kids. It's a great job, so don't let me fool you when I complain that I have it so hard.
Number 6. Grace. Yes, I mean God's grace. But here I am referring to Grace Fellowship Church. It was like a beacon of light for me before I moved. I had this vision that I would move to Baltimore, start attending Grace regularly (I would visit when in town, so I already knew about it), get involved in a small group, join Exit 242 (the college/career group), and make friends and have some fellowship. Sure enough, it happened pretty much in that order. I am thankful to have fellowship again!! I think I was becoming an island while still living in Salisbury, and no man is an island! No woman for that matter, either. It is so good to be known, to have accountablity again, and to grow in fellowship.
Number 5. My friends. So, my friends are obviously super cool. I wouldn't surround myself around the uncool...ever. Hehe. Yes, I am so thankful for them. As we age, their friendship just seems more valuable to me. Mostly because when I think back on the times we have shared, I realize that we have been through a lot together. So much drama. So many times of absolute joy. We have worked, played, sang, shared, loved, cried, eaten, been crafty, laughed, and even gotten frustrated with one another over the years. Through it all, we have built friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. Without a doubt, I would not be the person I am today without them all.
Number 4. My Family. Where would we be without those who have seen us grow and change into the people we have become today? Where would I be without the love and support my family has shown me? This year, my brother offered me a home for three months while I was getting acquainted with Baltimore (he lives in Towson with his family). Where would I be without my mom's financial support during a rough season of moving? Where would I be without my sister's gentle spiritual guidance and challenges to be more of the woman I need to be (she never lets me settle on being ordinary ever)? Where would I be without the moments of laughter and even the tears? Where would I be without these people who allow me to be me? Living a sad existence for sure. Family is important. And, my family (as weird as we are) is an amazingly, dysfunctionally functional source of love and guidance.
Number 3. My move. Many of you know that I moved to Baltimore in March of 2008. It was an impulsive decision on my part. I decided to quit my job and move in one day. It was crazy. Impulsive for sure, but a decision I had been weighing on for years. I had wanted to move, but never thought it was the right time. Never felt like I had the resources or the energy to follow through with it. For sure, moving is a stressful time. And put on top of that quitting a job and becoming homeless, as well as working through one of the deepest depressions I have ever faced all at the same time and you're looking at a season of hard times and misery. I went from seemingly having it all pieced together so nicely, to not knowing where I would lay my head at night (literally). But it is through our seasons of darkness that I believe God uses for us to trust Him more and lean on Him for understanding. And, you can only move forward in life. Times were hard for sure, but those who sow in tears will reap a harvest of joy. Which leads me to my Number 2...(For the full story ask me about it sometime)
Number 2. Dan. You didn't think I would make a top ten list and forget to include you babe, did you? I am thankful for Dan Fockel and I am not ashamed to admit it. He has been one of the most amazing additions to my life. The more I make room for him, the more I want to make room for him in my life. I enjoy our conversations, our witty banter, our dinner dates, our lazy time, our time serving with each other, our phone conversations. I am thankful that I have someone who is caring and sweet. Someone to share my thoughts with and bounce ideas off of. He is becoming a trusted confidant and friend as well as a man I respect and adore. I look so forward to the times we get to spend together. Dan, your companionship is already something I cherish. I believe fully that God is so good to me for bringing you when He did. :)
Number 1. My Relationship with Christ. Obviously, I am thankful that God has created me, loved me, saved me, disciplined me, sacrificed for me, and given me good gifts. Without Him in my life, I would be leading a bleak existence. Everyday I grow more thankful to be known by Him and it makes me want to use my life to glorify Him in every way. Why wouldn't I? I was bought with a price. I no longer live, but Christ in me. God didn't die to make bad people good, He died to make dead people alive. Think about it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Confession Time...

First story:
Evie and I were at Shopper's Food Warehouse around lunch time.
Side Note: It's the worst possible time to go to the grocery store in the city. Everyone else had the same idea we had...grabbing something for lunch real quick. Except "real quick" quickly turned into a "quick eternity". It always seems like when you are the only one in need of a rush, everyone else is taking their sweet time (ie. sauntering down the aisles, purchasing every item in the store, etc.). And, just when you think you are the only one who notices how slowly the cashier is moving, someone else in the cue pipes up with some snide comment that makes you snicker because you were thinking the same thing. But, I digress.
We were in the store. Imagine I am carrying her, mostly to save time as I only needed to buy one or two things. But of course my little friend can't go anwhere without an entourage of stuffed animals, babies, toys, sippy cups, and snacks. In this particular incident, she just had a sippy cup of apple juice (her favorite) because we seriously were going to be in and out. We turn down the aisle I need, and I am secretly thinking how heavy this blasted child has gotten when this old man goes:
"Ah, that's the life."
Yes, he's not the first to comment on how good children have it. I get many comments on how cute she is and how she has it made in the shade. Honestly, I agree on both fronts but again, I digress.
"Yes." I say back.
He then goes on to ask her if she likes her juice, if "mommy" realizes what an angel she has.
Another side note: Often times people assume she is my child. Sometimes I choose to not explain I am just the nanny. One time, this guy swore up and down that she and I looked exactly alike. When I kindly told him there was no relation, he got very indiginant and mumbled something under his breath about how I didn't know what I was talking about (seriously? seriously.).
Back to my story. The old man then goes on to ask, "So, how are you today?"
Assuming he was now directing that question at me, I told him I was,
"Great. thanks for asking".
Ok friends, I kid you not when I say this is the response I got back,
"I wasn't talking to you."
Oooooh well excuse me.
Second Story...
Then while we were in the store for what turned out to be 30 minutes or more, I heard the song from Dirty Dancing on the radio. The one at the end of the movie "I've Had the Time of My Life". And, I realized how much I abhore that song.
Ok, stop gasping! Geez. I'm sorry people. I just don't get that movie. Never have. It's a cult classic, much like Grease. I am just so over Grease. And, so over Dirty Dancing. People automatically assume that if you are a child of the 80's, that you love this movie. Now, granted in it's day I really did enjoy it. Watched it a gagillion and a half times; however, ugh now I hate just how anything that triggers someone to remember that movie there is so much commotion about it.
Then there are the sleepover tragedies. You know the ones. All the girls are together hanging out (no, we are NOT pillow fighting gentlemen) and deciding upon what movie to watch and someone ALWAYS suggests it. There are a few breathless gasping noises and it's all over, a done deal.
We are now forced to watch this movie for the 100th time where all the girls in the room not only quote the whole ghastly mess, but can even (EVEN) do the dance at the end. Oh, it's like watching a train wreck.
Ok, that was a hard confession to make. Don't judge me ok?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tori, One Blog On You Could Never Be Enough

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Tori!!!!!
My baby is growing up! This blog is dedicated to my beloved Tori. We have been through a lot together and I have loved all the memories we have shared.
Remember the day the gas got a little out of control at the gas station?
Remember the time you fell in a bush on "musical day"?
Remember when I fell out of the car?
Remember when we were driving home from Thanksgiving break and talked on the phone the whole time?
Remember the day we would go to the weight room to lift and were surrounded by some of the biggest men we have ever been in contact with?
Remember..."MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE PEOPLE!!!!" ?(makes me giggle even writing that)
Remember planning for the BAD and trying to get everyone to see the "vision"?
Remember our ER visit very early in the morning?
Remember going to the beach and reading Potter?
Remember family dinner nights?
Remember our Cool Beans visits where you had to cut me off from my Snicker Frappes by 6PM?
Remember our Busch Garden visits and ALWAYS getting pelted with rain on Apollo's Chariot?
Remember when we were chased by the zombie men?
Remember watching Hocus Pocus and making crafts?
Remember going to the Outback every year when we go to the OC Convention Center?
Remember the coloring book that had the picture of David from the Bible, I cut it out and gave it to you with some encouraging words? ;)
Remember our fun roomie reuniouns and getting dressed up to go out to eat?
Remember going to Applebees with our girls?
Remember playing Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter video games? (The best was when your dad caught us in our blanket "fort" trying to beat the troll that was running rampent through Hogwarts)
Remember our Rita's runs (Rita's what?)?
Remember..."Move over mama's tryin' on her boots"?
Remember the Holy Ghost party?
Remember shopping at Michaels and other random stores for crafts and then watching movies, being crafty, and eating some delicious taco ring?
Remember Williamsburg with your dad? ("He actually corrects the tour guide...it's really embarrassing")
Remember playing Quelf?
Remember Tracie's wedding weekend of fun?
Remember the sanity flower?
Tori, I love you. I need someone like you in my life (as in I need you to stay in my life...since you are already here. This comment was for Fockel and our little miscommuncation this morning). You make me smile. You make me laugh. You are always there even when others are not. You always, always support and encourage!! So, have an amazing birthday. You deserve it!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Letter to MARS

Monday, November 10, 2008
Remember The Day When...Yeah, That Was The Best Day:)
Anywho, on that note. I was able to share this little catch phrase this weekend with my sweet Dan. We had a rather unexciting, yet spectacular day on Saturday. Allow me to explain.
It started with dropping off my car to get a whole bunch of stuff done. Apparently, it's unsafe to drive your car with tires that have no tread. Who knew?
Well, Dan did.
Hence, we took my car straight away to get her all fixed up.
After some lunch at one of my favorite spots, Panera, we headed over to visit with Timmy and the family. It was great fun. I think the niece and nephews were excited to meet Dan. Well, I know they were. Normally they are all grumpy and crabby, but they were quite literally all over him, especially Phoebe. Hehe, sweet Phoebe. If I am not careful, I may have some competition. Timmy was cleaning and fixing the toliet, you could smell the bleach all the way down the stairs into the living room. Sarah sat and chatted with us, in her usual fashion she has already challenged Dan to a cook-off. Typical Sarah.
After a little bit, we headed over to the mall. Mistake number one. It was ridiculous. You would think it was Christmas, not only because of all the Christmas paraphenalia out and about, but because of the insane amount of people who had the same idea as we did. Parking was an atrocity. And, I am not being dramatic here, it really took a long time. After finding a spot, we finally got a chance to go in and look around.
Towson Town Center has this whole new wing that just opened up. That's where the new Pottery Barn is and the Crate and Barrel, some of Jenny's favorite things (screw Oprah's favorite list...you got mine!!) We decided to visit it, but I was under the impression it was not connected to the mall. So, we go back to the car and head on over. We headed over to another parking garage that took almost as long to find a parking spot, as it was crazy busy. We park and head in, only to find that we were....back in the mall.
Mistake number two. Well, my mistake really. (Hey, I can accept when I am wrong!!)
It was fun nonetheless, right Dan?
Then I had dinner with Michael's parents (Mere and P. Bear), Michael, Heather and the kids, my mom, as well as Stepehen and his new girlfriend. Yes friends...it's true Stephen Oberle has a girlfriend. I was shocked as well. She is nice and also a nanny. That's all I will say about that. After 14 of us crammed into a table in the back corner of this cute little hole in the wall type of place, we enjoyed a night of fun and fellowship.
The culmination of the day ended with a little Apples to Apples action. I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long, long time. It was such fun to enjoy my family.
And while though the day is over and done with and my little catch phrase no longer is just a humorous way of remembering the day I am currently living and is now more of an actual "hey remember when" type of moment, I can still say to you blogger friends,
Remember that day Dan and I parked in the Towson parking garage twice? Yeah, that was the best day" :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Modern Day Ruth
So, I have been reading a lot about Ruth lately. She happens to be one of my favorite women in the Bible. I think that if I could be anyone in the Bible, besides Jesus, it would be Ruth. I have always admired her strength and grace. After Ruth's husband dies, she has a choice of either staying in Moab, or moving with Naomi (her mother-in-law) back to Judah. This took a lot of courage because:
1) Ruth was from Moab, sworn enemies to the people of Judah (Deut 23:3)
2) It was a new country and was unfamiliar
3) The chances of her finding another husband were slime to none if she followed Naomi
4) She was choosing to follow Naomi's God, the God of Israel, over the Moab idols
I admire her courage.
Ok, but here is something new. I always got so confused by the part where Ruth goes to visit Boaz (for the complete story read the book of Ruth). I always wondered how that part plays out in my life. I always thought that as a woman I was supposed to be the responder to a man. He initiates and I respond. That certainly makes sense since the man is supposed to be the leader of the relationship. But, here I am reading this book by John Eldredge and he is giving me insight I never expected. Ruth waits till Boaz is done eating and drinking and is in "good spirits" and approaches him and lays down at his feet, symbolic of asking the man to be her covering in marriage. This was appropriate because he was considered to be her kinsman-redeemer. She chose to follow God and not search for a husband and yet still ended up being blessed.
But here's the thing, she was vulnerable.
She could either cover it up or allow herself to be secluded by the walls she puts up around her heart. I think I fall into the second category of building walls, all the while screaming for someone to rescue me from my own prison. Fear convinces me that I have to protect myself, and that fear makes me a prisoner to being alone. If I were vulnerable, I would not be a prisoner any longer, because someone (Jesus and Boaz) will come and see my need.But Ruth dared to be vulnerable. She is so much braver than I am. She knew she had everything to gain and nothing to lose. I feel like that was me before I went to New Staff Training. I had to become really vulnerable to go and do something that was so outside of myself to be able to do what I really wanted to do (be in full-time ministry) and be on the other side of my question "What would happen if I went?".When it comes to my Boaz, I need to be less prideful. It's about of being vulnerable, open to others, not stand-offish and closed off, but it's about being transparent. I do need to be transparent in times of greatest need, to let someone know of my need for him. He will either say "I can't supply that need" or "I am willing to give to your need". I still leave room for him to be the man and lead, I am just being a little more vulnerable than I thought I was supposed to be. I know that Ruth was praised as a woman who loved God and was open to what he wanted for her life. I too, want to be open and ready for someone to say "I will rescue you". She needed to be rescued financially and emotionally, to be taken care of. I need to be rescued from those same things. But when pride gets in the way, that's all anyone can see and I am only hurting my chances of someone being able to look inside of me to see the real me. So, I will:
Be honest about my needs
Understand I am a dependant being (on God and fellowship)
Realize my pride will rob me of vital relationships
Embrace the concept of community
Allow others to give to me to add value to their lives
Share feelings, needs, fears, victories, and resources
(This has been my response to both John Eldredge's Wild At Heart and Michelle Mckinney Hammond's The Diva Principle, both amazing Christian authors)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Silly Jenny

Oh, it was "The Strangers", thanks for asking. Not the worst horror film I've seen this century, but not the best either.
I had a bag of trash on top of the stroller. It was just a Walmart bag filled with randomness from my car.
On top of that are my keys. You see where this is going, don't you?
We stop by a random trash can in the city. I throw away my bag, hear a loud clunking noise and proceed without a moment's hesitation.
We go run our errand and come back to her house. It's locked, so I go to grab my keys.
Not in my pocket, not in the stroller, not on Evie, not in my jeans. They are gone.
What's worse is that they could be anywhere.
So, we start the walk back to Shoppers.
Did I mention it hasn't stopped raining since we left her house. Just a drizzle mind you, but it's cold rain nonetheless.
On the way back, I distinctly kept hearing the clunking noise in my mind. I thought...that's strange. nothing in my bag should have made that noise when it hit the bottom of the trash can. So, I decided to investigate. Sure enough my keys are sitting at the bottom of the dirty, city filled waste can.
Ew, ew. Double ew.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dan's the Man
I know you enjoy hearing about my Dunkin Donut run-ins, encounters with the strange, and random happenings with Evie, but I have something a little more exciting than that happening in my life.
I have someone I need to introduce you to, friends. One of the many reasons for my lack of blogage. His name is Dan. And he is my man. Yes, it's true. JB has been found by a wonderful man from her church (and I am not sure why I am talking about myself in the third person). Anywho, I figured you would probably start hearing more about him and I didn't want you to be out of the loop.
I hope you hear many thrilling stories of our adventures in the near future.
Crazy, huh?
Yeah, I know it took me a while to settle on the idea too. I'll leave you to ponder the excitement that is my life...
Meanwhile, enjoy this little gift from my heart to yours:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti
Men are like waffles. Men process life in boxes. A waffle is a collection of boxes separated by walls. The boxes are all separate from each other and make convenient holding places. That is typically how a man processes life. A man's thinking is divided up into boxes that have room for only one issue. The first issue of life goes in the first box, the second goes in the second box, and so on. The typical man spends time in only one box at a time. When a man is at work, he is at work. When he is in the garage tinkering around, he is in the garage tinkering. When he is watching TV, he is simply watching TV. Social scientists call this compartmentalizing.
Women are like spaghetti. In contrast to men's wafflelike appraoch, women process life more like a plate of spaghetti, you notice that the individual noodles all touch one another. If you attempted to follow one noodle around the plate, you would intersect a lot of other noodles, and you might even switch to another noodle seamlessly. That is how women face life. Every thought and issue is connected to every other thought and issue in some way. Life is much more of a process for women than it is for men. This is why women are typically better at multitasking than men. A woman can talk on the phone, prepare a meal , make a shopping list, work on the planning for tomorrow's business meeting, give instructions to her children as they are going out to play, and close the door with her foot-all without skipping a beat.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I Prayed For A Blog Worthy Day...Seriously.
Evie and I were at the Towson Library. We were heading to the check out counter. My arms are burdened down with all our books, CD's, and Elmo DVD's. My bag is strewn over my shoulder and is about to fall down in less than a second. I have Evie by the hand so I can direct her away from her favorite activity..."arranging" the CD's. We pass this woman. Let me explain.
She's very, um shall we say, library-esque. She is maybe mid-40's. Longish hair, tossed in a bun on her head. A cotton turtle neck that I dare say is a bit faded and (gasp) a floor length denim skirt that went out of style circa 1988.
Her face lights up when she see's Evie. I almost think that maybe she knows Evie, from the way she is gawking at her.
But then she opens her mouth and says, "Hi Nina!!" And continues to walk past me speaking Spanish gibberish. I took French.
Ok, whatever. I carry on and don't think too much of it. That's not even the funny part.
After we check out, we are heading towards the exit when Crazy Library Lady comes up to me. She says (and this is a direct quote):
"I didn't mean to weird you out before. I know her name is not Nina. It's the Spanish word for girl."
Oh no! Did my face decieve me and actually show my true emotion towards her?
"You didn't" I say.
Then Evie hands her our book receipt and CLL looks down at it and says in ridiculously fluent Spanish "O, Seasme Street!!" Yeah, I didn't know you could say it with a Spanish accent, as an American. But, I distinctly heard it.
"Do you like Seasme Street?" CLL asks.
Evie normally gets shy around strangers (I've taught her "Stranger Danger!") So, I answer for her..."Yes. She does"
But I say to myself, "Yes. She gusta very much! Now goodbye."