Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'd Rather Have a Root Canal?

You know the old saying "I'd rather have a root canal?"I have never actually been able to say that legitimately. Now friends, I can.

I have indeed undergone my first of two root canals as of 1:30 yesterday afternoon. And the killer...they only got 2/3 of the tooth done. So, that one needs to get finished and then we need to start on the other.

There is nothing worse than having to sit there for an hour and a half and hold your mouth open for them to drill, poke, pull, grab, clamp, squeeze, and do basically everything they need to do while in your mouth.

So, in honor of all that I have created a list, cause you know how I like lists:

Things I would rather do than have a root canal:

be with Dan
hang out with friends
stand in a line
go to the MVA
watch a movie (even one I particularly dislike, such as "The Visitor"
be creative

You get the idea...

I would rather have a root canal than do these things:

clean up vomit (my own or someone else's)
sit in commuter traffic
get mugged
eat tuna
try to sleep with the mouth pain before the root canal
run more than 6 miles
watch someone's child when they are at home and more than capable of watching said child
my taxes

Monday, February 16, 2009

Top 12 Valentine's Day Moments

Happy Belated Valentine's Day all!!

Mine was a happy one, thank you for asking. In fact, this whole weekend pretty much rocked my world so... 

Here are some of the highlights, Top 12 Style (Because 10 is not enough and I like random):

1) Dan got stuck in a car at the Auto Show

He got in. Closed the door. When he went to get out, the car would not let him out. He unlocked. Locked. Pushed. Pulled. You name it, we tried it. But the car door was not opening. HAHA, THE BEST!!!

2) I slipped AND fell on cut up, gross, dead hair on the floor at Bubbles Salon

On my way to the restroom in the back of the Salon, I slipped on someone else's hair. Onto my wrist. Yick. Lawsuit?

3) The gay guys we sat next to at Pei Wei

Clearly both gay. Clearly on a Valentine's Day date. And get this, the more "feminine" of the two had on a wedding ring, the other did not. Scandal!

4)I tripped up the stairs at my apartment. 

Yes, UP the stairs. Keys actually flew out of my hands on that one too! Those who know me best will not be shocked at this at all. Dan, if you can still like me after watching that kind of nonsense, not only does that make you Boyfriend of the Year, but so awesome!

5) Trying to figure out which was cheaper to buy, one 5lb bar of Hershey's Chocolate (The World's Largest) or the 23 regular sized bars (adding up to 5lbs)

After much calculation, we figured the best option is the 23 bars of chocolate. Don't let them fool you!

6) My father called to ask me if Dan was taking me out to a fancy place for dinner

And I quote: "Is he taking you to Taco Bell?"

7) I walked into AND USED the men's bathroom in Walmart

Need I explain it? In my defense, they normally put the women's bathroom on the left at Walmart...

8) Sarah called to ask how our day was going

She also asked if there was "any rain?". A little confused as to why she cared if it were raining or not, I replied with "a little". Immediate giggling in-sued on her end, as she then clarified what she actually said (that I misunderstood) "Jenny, I asked if there was a RING!"

9) Dan asked for the time

My response? "It's 20 almost to 6". Apparently, this was funny.

10) Racing home from the Cracker Barrel at an extremely fast pace ;)

I will leave the details of this one to Dan and I.

11) "Hey Jesus"

Dan got to fully appreciate Vintage 21's "Jesus Videos". Funny.

See below.

12) Seeing each other all weekend and parting only to sleep?


I know, I know. Cringe all you want people. But we had a great time!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dental News

So friends, I am heading back to the dentist tomorrow. About a year ago, when I moved to Baltimore I found myself in a loooooooooooooot of mouth pain. Wasn't sure what was happening to my face, but figured it had to do with my wisdom teeth. The pain was getting so horrid that I seriously lost sleep at night. So I made an appointment with Evie's parents' dentist.

Dr. Garcia took one look into my mouth and was aghast at what was happening. Lots of cavities, wisdom teeth that required immediate attention, root canals needed, and on top of all of infection that needed some serious antibiotics to heal.

Two days later, I had my wisdom teeth extracted. Most people plan these sorts of things way in advance. Not JB, she waits until there's a decent infection to get her butt in the dentist chair. And, it's not because I hate the dentist. On the contrary, I find it rather fufilling to get my teeth cleaned. However, my bank account wanted to run in fear is all. Anyways.

The best friend Tori came to pick me up the day of my surgery since I couldn't operate heavy machinary afterwards and apparently I was ridiculously funny whilst on the anethesia.

I do remember getting into her car at Target (to get my prescriptions filled) and I saw a banana peel on the ground and pretended to slip on it while ever so gently saying "whoo". I was suuposed to be very careful. I think it was more funny at the time.

Anywho, now it's time to head back to get the root canals. The process was expedited as last night while eating my dinner, my back molar chipped. Yay. I now have a stabbing pain in the back of my tongue from the jagged point my molar has now made.

In honor of my next dental appointment, scheduled for tomorrow (pray that Dr. Skane can smooth down the sharp point and that the root canal procedure is relatively inexpensive), the best friend sent me this video. IT IS HILARIOUS. You have to watch it the whole way through to appreciate it ok? Really. You won't be disappointed, Jenny and Tori give it an enthusiastic thumbs up:

Walter, The Giant Man

On Friday night late, I went to Giant on my way home from Dan's house. As soon as I walk in, there is a man standing at the customer service desk (not an employee). On the counter was a large black duffle bag filled with large manila envelopes, papers, and other random filing nonsense. Next to the duffle bag is a Giant bag filled with his purchases. There is no one behind the desk. 

So, why friends is he still in the store if he already bought stuff? Is he waiting for a friend to finish his shopping? Waiting for a ride? Unsure of his current whereabouts? Oblivious to the scene he is causing as he walks a step or two, pauses, turns around, walks back, pauses looks up, then walks somewhere else a step or two, then pauses, etc. On and on this goes. He looked rather sketchy, allow me to explain: a short, balding man of about 45 years of age. Rounded around the middle, eyes that looked tired and droopy, a disgruntled look upon his face. I was intrigued. Scared. Curious. 

I go about my business. I literally need two items. I get them rather hastly as I am now creeped out by this man, we shall call him Walter. Walter continues to walk around aimlessly. Neither looking at products or making any sort of progress in the store. 

I am now standing in the only available line. Normally, at this time of night there is no line. If there is, it's a short one. As many customers are literally running in for one or two items (as I am), but I am currently standing behind a woman who has literally decided to buy the whole store. I applaud her effort. I realize now is the time to shop for your groceries. I can appreciate that. 

As I am watching this man wander aimlessly about. He eventually makes his way over to the line. Apparently, he is making another purchase. Now there is just no comprehension of what this man is doing. 

As we stand there and wait for the cashier to ring up about 5 bags of cat litter, Walter sneezes. Doesn't cover his mouth. And now snot is running down his face. AND HE DOESN'T EVEN BOTHER TO REMOVE IT. It sits. And sits. And slides. 

Until finally, he takes his arm across his face and wipes it off with his shirt. EEEEEWWWW. I am so disgusted by this display, I can't contain myself. Makes me wonder what other Cretans have touched the credit card machine that I now have to touch. And while I know he was behind me, who knows who came before me. Yick. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Be Ok?

Maybe I am listening to Ingrid Michaelson a little too much...

I just heard Evie saying

"Be ok. Be ok."

Lyrics from the song entitled "Be Ok."

Conversation with a Toddler

I am trying to prepare this poor girl for the birth of her new little sister...

Me: Where's your baby sister?
Evie: Mommy.
Me: What's your sister's name?
Evie: Suzie.
Me: When she coming?
Evie: Two weeks.
Me: You want to have a baby?
Evie: Baby. Umm.
Me: Well, I think you're getting a baby, like it or not.
Evie: Like it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Every Little Thing She Does is Baking Magic...

As sung to the tune of "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic". Get it? Haha. Ok, it's been a long week...

So, this morning in all my Betty Crocker/Ace of Cakes wonder, I have created a yummy treat for my small group peeps. I realize I am a far cry from either of these bakers. I am also not the first to come up with this most stellar of all stellar ideas; however, I am always wanting to kick it up a notch when I bake, so check these out...

It's hard to tell, but they have icing on them. They are fairly simple to make. Just make the brownies according to the package. Use cookie cutters of your choice to cut out brownie "cookies". I was going for a Valentine Day theme...however, I lacked any heart shaped cutters.

Side Note:

1) I call myself a baker and I don't even have the fundamental accutraments for baking various holiday themed treats.

2) I suppose that in my previous anti-Valentine Day life, I never thought to buy heart shapes.

Then melt chocolate icing (I just used store bought, but I suppose you could make your own as well) in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Stir it. The consistency should be smooth and thin. If it's not, put it back in the microwave for 15 seconds. Stir. Continue this process until it is all melted. You can either drizzle the chocolate or dip the brownie into it. Whichever you prefer. Then add some spirnkle magic!!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I realized today when I was reading over my friend Ellen's 25 Random Things on Facebook how much of a fraud I really am! Oh friends. I will talk to you about the benefits of using reusable bags when grocery shopping until the cows come home (can we just stop and think about that cliche for a moment, please?), and yet, I will be the last to admit how I barely use them!

It's a sad thought to me.

My name is Jenny and I use plastic bags.

And it doesn't stop there! I talk about the benefits of eating locally grown foods, organic foods, and loading up on lots of fruits and veggies, and still put many gross-preservative-saturated-bad-for-you-unhealthy junk into my body. I guess it's hard to eat completely all natural foods. And the people who do, I tend to make fun of and call them tree huggers. But I do try my best to be earth friendly and eat as naturally as possible.

It's not for lack of trying for sure. I always have the intention of using cloth bags and if they are in my car, but full, I will dump out the contents of said bag just so I can use the bag to avoid getting a plastic bag.

I normally will remember when specifically going to the grocery store for something, but if for some reason, I go on a whim, I will use the plastic bags.

Side note: One time I was at Giant. I ran in to grab something small. So, when I was checking out, I told the cashier that I didn't need a bag...and she responds with (no lie), "well, you're getting one anyways"

I'm sorry. What? Aren't you the ones who tell us to buy your stupid bags and such?

I guess that's not so bad. But, then I think about how all the landfills will be filling with these stupid non bio-degradable bags and how my children's children will still be able to go a visit their grandma's 100 year old bag! "Come on kids, let's go take a walk to the landfill!"

And then I think about how they will still make these plastic bags even if I choose not to use them.

But why do we keep making them then? Why do we make things like styrofoam, if it's bad for the environment?

I suppose it's cheap to make, but still.

When I was in fifth grade, I decided I was going to single handedly save the rainforest.

I even started a club. I forget it's name...aaaaaaaand I think I was the only member? But, I found the list of activities this group was going to do including recycling, car pooling (like we could drive at the age of 10), reducing trash, etc.

I know, I was a nerd.

While we are on the subject of me being the biggest hypocrite ever, let's discuss children and sugar, or children vs. the TV.

I will tell you how important it is for children to get many nutrient rich foods and how they should eat as little sugar as possible, but then when grocery shopping, I get excited to feed Evie things like cupcakes and brownies, cookies and chocolate.

The whole TV thing, just don't get me started, that's another blog entirely.

So, there. You have my confession. I feel a lot better.