Monday, February 16, 2009

Top 12 Valentine's Day Moments

Happy Belated Valentine's Day all!!

Mine was a happy one, thank you for asking. In fact, this whole weekend pretty much rocked my world so... 

Here are some of the highlights, Top 12 Style (Because 10 is not enough and I like random):

1) Dan got stuck in a car at the Auto Show

He got in. Closed the door. When he went to get out, the car would not let him out. He unlocked. Locked. Pushed. Pulled. You name it, we tried it. But the car door was not opening. HAHA, THE BEST!!!

2) I slipped AND fell on cut up, gross, dead hair on the floor at Bubbles Salon

On my way to the restroom in the back of the Salon, I slipped on someone else's hair. Onto my wrist. Yick. Lawsuit?

3) The gay guys we sat next to at Pei Wei

Clearly both gay. Clearly on a Valentine's Day date. And get this, the more "feminine" of the two had on a wedding ring, the other did not. Scandal!

4)I tripped up the stairs at my apartment. 

Yes, UP the stairs. Keys actually flew out of my hands on that one too! Those who know me best will not be shocked at this at all. Dan, if you can still like me after watching that kind of nonsense, not only does that make you Boyfriend of the Year, but so awesome!

5) Trying to figure out which was cheaper to buy, one 5lb bar of Hershey's Chocolate (The World's Largest) or the 23 regular sized bars (adding up to 5lbs)

After much calculation, we figured the best option is the 23 bars of chocolate. Don't let them fool you!

6) My father called to ask me if Dan was taking me out to a fancy place for dinner

And I quote: "Is he taking you to Taco Bell?"

7) I walked into AND USED the men's bathroom in Walmart

Need I explain it? In my defense, they normally put the women's bathroom on the left at Walmart...

8) Sarah called to ask how our day was going

She also asked if there was "any rain?". A little confused as to why she cared if it were raining or not, I replied with "a little". Immediate giggling in-sued on her end, as she then clarified what she actually said (that I misunderstood) "Jenny, I asked if there was a RING!"

9) Dan asked for the time

My response? "It's 20 almost to 6". Apparently, this was funny.

10) Racing home from the Cracker Barrel at an extremely fast pace ;)

I will leave the details of this one to Dan and I.

11) "Hey Jesus"

Dan got to fully appreciate Vintage 21's "Jesus Videos". Funny.

See below.

12) Seeing each other all weekend and parting only to sleep?


I know, I know. Cringe all you want people. But we had a great time!

1 comment:

Nick and Kaley said...

I didn't cringe. On the contrary I might have gotten a feeling of warm fuzzies.