Tuesday, January 13, 2009

German Treadmills

I went to the MAC yesterday for the first time. For all of you non-Maryland folk, that's the Maryland Athletic Club. It's a gym. Or more accurately, it's a spa.

My employers are members of this gym, so I have heard about it's many perks. I never thought I would ever walk through the entrance for various reasons, including:

1) I do not belong to said gym

2) I do not have enough in my bank account for said gym's monthly rate

3) I do not look like this...

Well, my wonderful employers signed me up for a week's membership so I could not only check it out, but also because I was working late one night helping out Eliza with Evie (since she's pregnant, she can't do too much at the moment) and she normally goes to the gym after work, so the three of us went.

It was like walking into a world I knew not existed. It was so chic. There was a coffee bar that sold starbucks, and a computer lab. There was a food counter and lush towels. Machine after machine. Rooms for classes. A day care center for Evie. There were pools and hot tubs. There was a gigantic locker room with showers, lots of counter tops and jars filled with cotton balls.

My treadmill, when I got on, yeah...it was digital and was writing things in German. German!! Ok, that was because I accidentally pressed the wrong button. But let's face it, the fact that it was even able to speak German is amazing. Also, each machine had it's own personal TV. That's right, so you can watch cable at your leisure. It just put my gym to shame!

I felt kinda like I was in one of those movies where the small town girl finally makes it to the big city and she's looking around with eyes big as saucers trying to drink in everything around her. And the camera pans around her, circling her from all angles!

Oh well. I do love my gym, a lot. I have no reason to change. But, it was nice to visit, if only for a little while.

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