Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When It Hasn't Been Your Day, Your Week, Your Month, or Even Your Year...

Yes friends. All of the above is true. It has certainly not been my day, my week, my month or even my year. However, my focus for this particular blog entry is how this has just not been my day. Don't get me wrong. I have an amazing life and am enjoying myself here in Baltimore, but what fun would that be to write about? You need action, adventure, drama. And the drama my life unfolds is second only to the drama found on Grey's Anatomy. Haha. So, without further ado (never understood that word, but whatever) I give you...my day.

Like I was saying, it has not been my day.

Well, that's not entirely true. Today was great. Evie (the little girl I nanny) and I walked to Whole Foods to buy some pumpkin pie filling. We decided (I say "we" like she really had a part in the decision making process...she's two) to make pumpkin muffins as we are on the brink of the fall season and it happens to be the most amazing time of year. So, we began our day with a nice, long walk until we got caught in a monsoon that I was unaware was on it's way. We darted into Barnes and Noble for a little bit. Whole Foods did not carry pumpkin pie filling, so our walk was pointless, wet, long, and exhausting. It was a good workout though, I suppose.

Much of my day was uninteresting, for the most part.

Then came dinner time. I was getting pretty hungry, so I decided to make some dinner. Long story short:

**I sat "on hold" with Bubbles Hair Salon for about five mintues until I realized that I was not on hold, but they had actually hung up on me and I was just sitting there with a phone on my face

**I tripped on the kitchen rug (twice)

**Couldn't find the 1/4 cup, although I found more than one of all the other types of cups

**Dumped rice all over the place, it seemed to have a mind of it's own

**The rice directions were only for a rice cooker (we do not have) or the microwave, while I had already put the rice on the stove

Nothing really harmful here, I realize, but you ever have those moments when everything is going in the exact opposite of the direction you are heading in? Somehow I captured that kind of frustration in a few minutes.

Then I went to Dunkin Donuts...the highlight of my evening. And the highlight of Habeeb, the Dunkin Donuts worker, as you will soon see.

So, I pull up. Get out of the car...nothing blog-worthy in that right? Oh no friends, I think you forgot who you are dealing with here. It's not a day until Jenny does something completly ridiculous to embarrass herself and those in a 12 foot radius. So, I decided to throw away some things that had taken up way too much space in my vehicle and am walking around the front of my car towards the trash can when all of a sudden I can't move my right leg. I'm stuck. On what?

Now is a good time to mention the fact that from the moment I pulled up to the scene of the crime (and believe me when I say it was a crime), there is one man in the store (the aforementioned Habeeb). He is standing behind the counter, looking at me with intent eyes. He seems excited to have a customer to break up the monotony of his night shift. I only too happily want to be a bright spot in his otherwise mundane existence.

Back to the crime of indecent exposure.

"What did she just say?"

"Indecent...what? Jenny Baldwin!!!"

Yes, it is true. My right pant leg, currently stuck on my license plate, is not giving an inch. I continue to try and walk, not once, not twice, but three times towards my destination, even though my right pant leg is stuck in two spots on my license plate. So that was fun.

Oh, except, yes my pants came off. I was wearing those nice, cotton sweat pants that I love so much that are two sizes too big and I can safely be swallowed up in their pillowy softness. They are nice and all...when in the house. Outside of the house is another story entirely.

Let's just say I gave this guy quite a show for the eyes. I would like to believe it's why he allowed me to slide on my payment. I paid only $2.00 for my iced coffee instead of the $2.01 I actually owed. Hey, anyway to save a penny these days with our blasted economy!!

The humor of it all. How I wish you could have been there to see it.

More later on how this has not been year.

Love you all!


Steven. Mr L. Lammy. said...

Hahaha ohhh Jenny! You do make me laugh. Hope today was a better day. :)

Danielle Kanka said...

Jenny you make me laugh! I can definitely sympathize with embarrassing moments/days....I feel like it's every other day for me :) I love reading your blog! We need to catch up sometime, keep bloggin! Can I link to your blog on my blog? Let me know and take care girl!