Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"He's So Death Cab."

Ok, so I have coined a new term..."death cab". Now, you know that Death Cab For Cutie is one of my favorite secular bands. I will die with them. I realize I have not really created this term, but rather I am turning it from a proper noun into an adjective. For example:

A) "He is so death cab."
B) "His glasses are so death cab."

I actually said both of these sentences this weekend. Tori and I were at Busch Gardens (more about that adventure in a future blog) and we passed by a couple of guys that looked like they were straight out of the band. For example:

I have decided that not only do I like this look, but I like the entire attittude that goes along with it. This look says I am artsy, creative, unique, special, dorky, musical, smart, earthy, and I-don't-care-what-people-think-of-me-I am-just-going-to-be-me. I hope that I send off this vibe myself, I'm pretty sure I do. I have also decided I want my husband to be so death cab. Yes, I want him to be holy, faithful, trustworthy, manly, godly, and an all around amazing servant of God too. But when it comes to those little things that I look for in the man's personality...this is it.

I kinda feel like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride. I have been all over the place when it comes to the dating scene. I have sort of re-invented myself with every guy I've been with or liked. That's not what I want to do, nor do I believe that to be what God wants for me either. So, when I finally realized this, I thought about who I am in Christ and who He has created me to be and there is really no denying it. I am so death cab. I am a card-carrying dork and I want a man who is so death cab.

I tried dating the prep, the redneck, the rocker, the smart scientist, the joker, the rebel, and the straight-laced kind of guy.

But, give me death cab!!

Death cabbers should not be confused with actual "dorks" defined as follows:

USA slang for a quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends

Though death cabbers are dorky, they are not out of touch with trends...it is a distinct choice for a death cab person to actually know what the current trends are and choose to go against those trends in a conscious way. See picture examples below:

Death Cab:



Below is a series of pictures. You must determine if the person or people below are either death cab or dork. Answers will be revealed in my next blog.

1 comment:

Nick and Kaley said...

That guy in the middle with the car kind of looks like Mr. Peddicord- so I guess that can't be Death Cab. And in response to your blogpost on my blog- He comes back hopefully Dec. 19, but maybe later than that.