Wednesday, May 20, 2009


WOW! Has it really been 19 days since my last post?? Sheesh. Apologies to all five of you who read this blog. I also apologize to the random person from Belgium or Ireland who checks my site because they were google searching things like "spit in my eye" (lyrics to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody) or "riverdance". 

So, to update...I have decided just today that I am going to run the Balitmore 1/2 Marathon. There are many reasons for this decision, not including the "I-must-be-crazy" reason. Some of my thoughts on this are as follows:

-plenty of other people have run one and not died
-if the people on the Biggest Loser can do it, so can I
-it's time for a challenge
-free food? where?
-it's four months away so it's easy to think it's a good idea (on race day, I may be wearing the "it sounded like a good idea at the time" shirt from
-gives me an excuse to eat my heart out at Thanksgiving (pay no mind to the fact that the holiday falls a full month and a half AFTER the race)
-because I am, in fact, crazy

So there you have it. My stupid reasons. Will I make it? We will see come race day.

Wanna join in on the fun? go to

...what have I gotten myself into?

1 comment:

Fohner Family said...

Matt, my little bro's, my cousins, & I are all running in it, too :)