Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Martha vs. Cookie Monster

Well, my lap top charger died the other day. We're talking sparks, exposed wires, and such. It was getting pretty bad. Needless to say, I have not been able to use my lap top since then. Only me. 

It snowed a lot last night and then iced over, so this morning I literally had to chop my car out of it's icicle cocoon. That was fun. I got to work on time which was nice, but now I have the dilemma of what to do with my charge.

I'm thinking it's a baking day. So, we are about to head into the kitchen to see what we can find. However, while I was looking for some fun recipes online, I stumbled on this you tube video. Please watch. And please enjoy.  By the way, it's stinkin' hilarious.

I was looking for Martha Stewart's Monster Cookie recipe (how I found this in case you were curious).

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