Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tori, One Blog On You Could Never Be Enough

Here's some more on my Tori:

Remember the day we were headed to Grace, but got caught in Hershey Worlds' fabulous chocolate factory?
Remember the night we stayed up really late and talked on the stage of Caruther's Auditorium for a long time?
Remember Our Lake?
Remember the weekend of Thanksgiving, Potter, football, and playing video games with Tom, and the boys' dumpster fun and Seth's stitches?
Remember the Abnormal Semi-Formal and then watching Catch Me If You Can?
Remember when we would sit in your room and not want to go to class and watch Moulin Rouge instead?
Remember the time when we would eat in the Common's Bistro and specifically the time when Brad started belting out "O HOLY NIIIIIIIIIGHT"?
Remember the day you and the girls came over to "Aunt Jenny's House" for some lunch and hot chocolate on our day off from school?
Remember our Wednesday lunches?
Remember Mildred and Agnes? (And how no one wanted us to do away with those characters and instead we had to "Fly Them to the Moon")?
Remember your crazy calendars?
Remember how I always seem to be at your parent's house on a major or minor holiday?
Remember our Oscar Parties (Mad Eye Moody, Mad Eye Moody, Mad Eye Moody)?
Remember "I'm leveeeeeeeeeling up!!" or "I am Peter, I am the HIgh King and I have a stick!"?
Remember Snood?
Remember our 80's rock band (and our first song "Jesus, He's everything you nee-heed")?
Remember The Parable of the Lost Son in Masterpiece Theatre? ("Check it, check it...I stole it")
Remember "The Cell and You"?
Remember Death Loving Squirrels?
Remember our running commentary on all the Dance Shows?
Remember the Bake-Off with my mom (yikes) and then our equally as fun one last year with Katie?

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